Art by Willa Queen-Yglesias.
Incoming news from the LACES High School campus: A huge backpack tornado hit English teacher Mr. Adam Tan’s classroom. 23 students were announced dead and 10 were injured – some of whom were never even Tan’s students, just used Tan’s room.
Officials were able to identify the issue due to the amount of backpacks in Tan’s room. It was found that there were an estimated 70 backpacks found in his classroom at the time – which caused a hazard to even walk around, let alone survive during this rebellion: Act of Tan.
“I couldn’t stand having so many backpacks in my class anymore, it was driving me mad,” Tan yelled loudly. His emotions partly got in the way of this disaster, claiming that his students were just using him for the convenience of his room.
“Yes, of course, my students are using me. They say hello to me just so they can leave their backpacks,” Tan exclaimed. After the disaster that struck the classroom, Tan was sent to Los Angeles County Jail and was sentenced to 42 days. Tan discusses his plan after he is out of jail and back in the classroom.
“I would reduce the amount of surface area left in my room. Or I would put slime all over the ground so that nobody would want their backpacks in there.”