Art by Lucas Lee. Photo courtesy of Ayman Habib.
Sports games, school dances, and lunchtime zone events are just a few of the ways for LACES students to participate in school spirit and community. But the best activity is usually one that gets overlooked, and that is Spirit Week.
While there are always some kids dressing up for the theme of the day, many students do not participate because they think it’s corny and embarrassing. I’m here to break the stigma and tell you why school spirit days are the best days of the year.
They are the most accessible way to express school spirit! Anyone and everyone can participate in spirit days. Whether it be twin day, class colors day, or anything but a backpack day, everyone can find something in their closet (or in their sibling’s or parent’s closet) that they could wear to fit the theme. Additionally, not everybody has the option to attend outside-of-school events like sports games and dances. Some people may not have the time or interest in going. But spirit days don’t require you to do anything more than put on clothes in the morning, which is something we already do every day, hopefully. And, updates about Spirit Week dates are always posted on Schoology whenever they are coming up, so everyone has easy access to the information, giving you no excuse.
Partaking in spirit days will also strengthen bonds with your peers. Wearing a themed outfit to school can land you tons of compliments and interactions with people you don’t know. Maybe you’ll even make a new friend. And when you’re wearing something similar to someone else, you’ll feel a connection with them, even if you don’t interact. Peer bonding is extremely important and will be beneficial to you and the lovely vibes of our campus.
On top of that, spirit days will give you a reason to look forward to school. Many can argue that it is hardly ever exciting to go to school every day. But spirit days will spice up your daily routine and give you something to look forward to.
On twin day, you won’t be able to contain your excitement when you remember that one of your friends will show up to school wearing the same things as you. You also won’t be able to contain your excitement when you remember that it’s minion day, because you’ve always wanted to wear overalls, but have never been able to find the confidence to before. And I just know there are tons of people with cowboy boots in their closets who are looking for another excuse to wear them, which they will have on country vs. country club day. The anticipation of seeing what everyone else comes up with to match the theme will surely make you delighted to go to school.