Hispanic Heritage month is here, and the Young Latino Scholars are excited to be hosting a show on November 1.
This November, the show will showcase Hispanic culture, including dances, a quinceanera act, and a showcase of influential figures of Latin descent.
As for the funding, the Back to School Night fundraiser, where aguas frescas, candy, and club hoodies were sold, raised money for the YLS show. More specifically, the funds will be used for show decorations, flags representing Hispanic countries, and arts and crafts.
In addition to the show, YLS is also promoting scholarship opportunities that will be offered annually to LACES students of Latin descent.
“Funds for the scholarships are being made by one of the biggest organizations, HSF (Hispanic Scholarship Fund) that gives them out when available,” said HCC vice president Elena Campas.
According to YLS, it motivates students to go to college, specifically Hispanic students because a smaller percentage of the Latino students are pursuing undergraduate education in college. According to Saludamerica.org, the majority of Latino scholars who enroll in a four-year college unfortunately do not end up graduating. The total college graduation rate for Latinos is 52 percent, which is lower than the 65 percent graduation rate of their white peers.
In addition to the upcoming show, YLS will also be holding smaller events throughout Hispanic Heritage month from October 28 through November 1.
“The week of the show, we are going to do our own spirit week specifically for Hispanic Heritage such as face painting, jersey days and zone events,” said YLS secretary, Alexander Hidalgo.
YLS will also be having a collaborative potluck near the end of this semester with five other cultural clubs on campus: BSU, APSU, JSU and ICC.
“We have a lot planned, different types of acts, and we are hoping to include some new things this year and change up some of the past things we have done,” said Hidalgo.