On Tuesday, Jan. 7, wildfires broke out across Los Angeles, sparked by winds at speeds of over 90 miles per hour. The two largest were the Palisades and Eaton Fires, surpassing 23,000 acres and 14,000 acres respectively. Homes were lost, neighborhoods destroyed and tens of thousands were ordered to evacuate. Many here at LACES had to evacuate homes.
Mr. Tzaferis had to leave his home near Runyon Canyon due to the Sunset Fire, and was able to go to a friend’s house in Irvine. He’s back home now, but reflects on the moment he got the evacuation order.
“It was very stressful and very humbling in a way to see how powerful and how scary those fires can be,” he said.
Mr. Jackson also evacuated from his home in Pasadena, and recommends just reaching out to those who may have been affected.
“What helped was that I kept hearing from people reaching out, texting me… if you know someone who lives in an area that’s been affected, reach out. Sometimes the idea that you care is enough to make things better,” Jackson said.
Here’s how to help those affected by the fires:
GoFundMe has compiled a list of all verified fundraisers for people affected by the fires. It can be accessed at gofundme.com/c/act/wildfire-relief/california. The organization has also created a larger fundraiser for general fire relief, which can be found at gofundme.com/f/wildfire-relief-fund-2025.
The YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles has called for donations at all locations across the city and is offering volunteer opportunities, which can be signed up for by emailing [email protected]. They are also partnering with the Red Cross, where those 16-years-old and older can sign up to give blood. Find a blood drive location at redcrossblood.org.
Avery Colvert, a Pasadena eighth grader, has created an organization called Altadena Girls, and is collecting donations of new items to support teenage girls in the region. They are currently moving locations, but are set to reopen soon. More information can be found at either @AltadenaGirls on Instagram, or at www.pledge.to/altadena-girls.
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is accepting food and financial donations at their two locations, 1734 East 41st Street in Los Angeles and 2300 Pellissier Place in Industry, CA. They are also accepting volunteers who are at least 14 years old. Volunteer sign-ups and more information can be found at www.lafoodbank.org/fire.
Finally, the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation is accepting monetary donations at supportlafd.org.